Guest Blog: Fellissima meets UNDO

Guest Blog: Fellissima meets UNDO

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Undo recently had the pleasure of chatting to Ines Del Castillo, owner and founder of Fellissima. This digital magazine features insights across a range of industries from lifestyle and travel to fashion and beauty. Ines contacted us soon after our launch to talk about our ambitious sustainability goals and we were instantly captivated by her Instagram feed, filled with stunning images, variety of interviews and thought provoking questions offered out to her community. 


Interview with undo founder

Ines has interviewed many artists and creatives and if you like artisan brands then you'll love the e-newsletter available via the Fellissima website. Here is the interview below with UNDO founder Hannah Austin.

What Inspired Undo?

"Over lockdown, I found myself in a space that didn't feel healthy. Demand for candles saw a steep rise when we were all at home. Suppliers were turning over glassware and premixed blends at an unbelievable rate. More suppliers popped up offering competitive prices and it made me question who is paying for that, in the long run.

92 million tonnes of waste is produced every year from the fragrance industry and our ecosystems are suffering from that. I've become very aware of the carbon footprint of everything I consume. Undo was born from that, piece by piece from the perfumer I work with to the paper manufacturer for our boxes, reducing impact is at the forefront of every decision."

What Change Would You Like To See In The World?

“We have to slow down. We have to find ways of making products not driven by profit but by a need to be sustainable, to restore balance to parts of the world we have continued to exploit.

I recently read that over 70% of adults in the UK say it's hard to know how ethical a company is. We can not shop consciously in a world of rampant greenwashing and smoke and mirrors.

When I buy a product, I want to know the money I am spending will contribute to a better future for my children.

I want to see radical transparency from brands so I can make informed choices. I'm trying to lead by example by bringing customers closer into the workings of Undo, it's not about perfection, that mindset can encourage greenwashing further, it's about honesty, integrity and a hope for a better future."




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